callmeromana wrote in ihasatardis Aug 07, 2012 14:42
10 utopia/sod/lotl, companion: captain jack, 11 the doctor's wife, tardis
sternbergzookie wrote in ihasatardis Feb 12, 2012 22:12
11 the big bang, companion: captain jack
sternbergzookie wrote in ihasatardis Jan 02, 2012 14:37
firefly, companion: amy, joss whedon in any form, companion: captain jack, companion: rory, 11 vampires of venice, actor: david tennant
sternbergzookie wrote in ihasatardis Nov 09, 2011 09:39
firefly, joss whedon in any form, xover, companion: captain jack, 9 empty child/doctor dances
sternbergzookie wrote in ihasatardis Nov 03, 2011 09:21
10th doctor era, 11th doctor era, 11 flesh and stone, 11 eleventh hour, 11 the god complex, 11 the doctor's wife, character: river song, companion: rose, 11th doctor, actor: matt smith, actor: billie piper, 10 shakespeare code, 10 utopia/sod/lotl, 11 pandorica opens, 9th doctor era, 11 vampires of venice, actor: freema agyeman, companions: amy pond, companion: captain jack, companion: rory, character: jackie, 9 rose, actor: john simm, actor: john barrowman
breenwood wrote in ihasatardis Sep 22, 2011 23:00
companion: amy, one episode a day, 11th doctor era, companion: rose, 11th doctor, 11 victory of the daleks, companion: captain jack
l0stmyrel1g10n wrote in ihasatardis Aug 31, 2011 10:42
companion: rose, companion: captain jack, 11 lets kill hitler, 10 girl in the fireplace, 9 empty child/doctor dances, bananas, character: river song
dalekspoon wrote in ihasatardis Aug 30, 2011 00:17
companion: amy, 11th doctor era, amy pond, character: river song, barrowman!!!, companions: amy pond, 11th doctor, companion: captain jack, 11 lets kill hitler, companion: rory, companion: amy pond
breenwood wrote in ihasatardis Aug 18, 2011 22:59
10th doctor era, one episode a day, 10 utopia/sod/lotl, 10th doctor, companion: captain jack, companion: martha
dalekspoon wrote in ihasatardis Jun 01, 2011 02:33
11th doctor era, 11 rebel flesh, barrowman!!!, 11th doctor, companions: amy pond, companion: captain jack, companion: rory, companion: amy pond